Through partnerships, in-kind donations, fundraising, and awareness campaigns, we have supported over 67 charities. Brand campaigns and fundraisers provide our consumers and team with the opportunity to support our community partners, and we donate product and damaged stock to animal care charities in need. In addition, the EBOS Group Match Funding Policy sponsors employees who raise funds for registered health and animal welfare community groups. We also raise awareness and engage our team on important issues such as R U OK? Day, Wear It Purple, International Women’s Day, and National Reconciliation Week.
Masterpet believes it’s important to give back to our communities, the home of our ingredients and where our food is made.
Community Partners
Founded in 2006, BackTrack delivers programs designed to help at-risk youth make meaningful connections, build job pathways and lead happier and healthier lives. Paws Up is a life changing program run by BackTrack that pairs at-risk youth with dogs to teach them high jump and learn many other valuable skills in the process. The program, based at BackTrack founder Bernie Shakefast’s farm in regional New South Wales, has positively impacted the lives of more than 1000 young people.
Since 2018, we have donated Black Hawk food, pet necessities and veterinary costs for Paws Up dogs annually, while also providing official team wear for program participants.
Land Search and Rescue Inc. (LandSAR) is a national volunteer organisation providing land search and rescue services to the police and public of New Zealand. Masterpet and Black Hawk have proudly partnered with LandSAR as the official feeding partner for the organisation’s search and rescue dogs.
By proudly providing the organisation with premium Black Hawk dog food, we ensure their specially trained working dogs have access to quality nutrition that will give them the energy they need to succeed in their physically demanding search missions.
Featured articles

CEO Update - 2022 Year in Review
Hear from Julie Dillon, CEO of Animal Care and Masterpet

Melbourne Cat Lovers Show 2022
Trouble and Trix spreads brand awareness to passionate cat owners at the Melbourne Cat Lovers Show.

Black Hawk sponsors 4 Paws Marathon
For a third year, Black Hawk proudly sponsored the 4 Paws Marathon, an event promoting the benefits of 'exercise as medicine' and acknowledging dogs as an ally in being active.